The girls went 3-0 and the boys 2-1 in the opening NJAC race Wednesday, 9/21, at Greystone Park. After just missing the 200 girl win milestone for their coach at the end of last year, the girls began the season by besting Vernon (26-33), Pope John (25-32), and Montville (19-42). Team depth proved the key to all three victories. Against Pope John, MO put four in before the Lions' 3rd and 11 in before their 5th. Against Vernon, Marissa Karl won and then 9 Marauders got in before the 4th Vernon runner. The score against Montville was the most lopsided, with 7 in the first 9 places. Karl also took first in that race. After Karl, the MO varsity was Steph Smith, Erin Miller, Mariah Christian, Lindsay Schafer, Danielle Halikias, and Alex Schneeberg.
The boys got off to a good start. While Montville took 1-2, the male harriers struck back by taking 7 of the next 8 positions to win in 27-32. Vernon, who handily beat MO boys last year, proved to be a weaker team in 2011. The Marauders took places 1-4 and 6-10 to wallop them 16-47. Pope John was too strong as it down the boys 15-49. P.J. would have beaten every team in the race, which included Mendham, Randolph, Roxbury, and Morris Knolls.
In the frosh/j.v. race, 9th grader Katherine Bausch was a close 2nd.
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